Tuesday, February 1, 2011

~ Who I am ~

*Waving happily* Hello everyone I am Brie, welcome to my blog. I joined Secondlife 2/27/2009 with my second AV. My first AV was just a testing and learning creature. Shortly after I had an idea of what I was doing and what I wanted to do differently, Brielynn was created. Since I have been here I have met some really awesome people. Through out my blogs you will learn who they are but to name off a few you will hear about Rhin. Rhin is my awesome love, he came to SL because I told him not to come. *Men don't listen* and I am ecstatic he didn't too. Jenn Willful who is my sister, not my bestie cause we are so much closer then besties. I love this woman with all my heart. Rider and Hailie OMG my dear friends. Rider is one of my closest friends and Hailie is his beautiful lovely wife. My nephews Justyn (Poobear) and Joobie (Joojoo) my sweet neko boys, they came into my life by tidal wave and have kept me on my toes since. There is so much more I will be telling you about who I am and what has happened to me to get you all up to speed but for now this is good enough. I don't want to over load you and would like for you to read what part of my life you would like. Have a good one and ByeBye. 

1 comment:

  1. Aunty Lynnieeee!!! homg you blogs now!!! well you bloged before but i didn't think to look XD you should so totally follow me!! I have already put you on my list of people I stalk <3 so everyone who reads my blog will come see yours!! im not sure how many people read cause i have alot of page views but I think thats just me :P lol jk jk
    Anywhos love you Aunty Lynnie <3 *huggles*
